When it comes to home services, most Denver, CO, homeowners know who to call when they need help. However, many people are unaware of who handles natural gas lines within a home. It’s likely you’ve never had a gas line installed or replaced, so you’ve never considered what professional is best suited for the job. Professional plumbers typically handle the natural gas lines in a home or business. Read on as we dig deeper into why you should call a plumber when you need to repair, replace, or lay new gas lines inside your home or on your property.
The Role of Plumbers
When you think of a professional plumber, you likely think of things like water pipes, drain cleaning, and toilet repairs. When you have a plumbing issue, you know who to call. But did you know that gas lines are another important part of a plumber’s job? Thanks to extensive training and certifications, plumbers are well-versed in handling repairs and replacements of gas lines and may very well be the first person you should call when you need help. Let’s explore why plumbers are considered the top experts when it comes to handling natural gas lines.
Special Training and Certification
Plumbers undergo extensive training and earn special certifications that teach them all about the different aspects of their job. Natural gas lines can be very dangerous if not handled properly, resulting in injury, death, or property damage. A plumber learns the importance of safety during their advanced training so that they can work with natural gas without injuring themselves or those nearby. It’s important that a professional plumber stay up-to-date on new technology, plumbing codes, and industry developments as well. Many plumbing companies will provide various training opportunities to their employees as a way of getting ahead of competitors.
Knowledge of Codes and Regulations
Many localities and state governments have special building codes and regulations that pertain to gas lines. These codes and regulations are in place to protect anyone near the gas line as well as prevent explosions that could cause devastating damage to nearby property. Plumbers learn about local and state codes during training and stay current with any changes to ensure that your gas lines are placed and maintained in compliance with these codes. A licensed plumber knows how to follow codes in regards to what type of material should be used, how the network should be designed, how lines should be connected, and what to do in an emergency. If you do not have this specialized training, you could not only jeopardize your safety but also face fines and penalties for failing to meet regulations.
Specialized Tools and Equipment
Working with gas lines requires specialized tools and equipment to ensure safety and to properly install and repair the pipes. Plumbers often utilize these same tools and equipment in their plumbing duties, though some gas line work may require tools specific to the job. Due to the dangerous nature of working with natural gas, there may also be protective and safety equipment that the plumber uses to prevent injury and health concerns.
Experience Laying Pipe
Plumbing pipes are similar to gas lines. The plumber must have a working knowledge of layouts and designs and needs to understand the importance of proper placement. Pipes and gas lines are often bent and shaped to fit around other fixtures and cannot always go straight from the source to the connected appliance. This setup requires joints that must be secure so as not to allow natural gas to escape through small cracks and crevices. Additionally, gas lines and pipes use connectors to attach the lines to the source and to the appliance. These connectors must fit securely so that they stay attached tightly and keep gas inside the lines.
How Your Plumber Can Help With Gas Lines
Many home appliances rely on natural gas as a source of power. This includes your furnace and other types of HVAC units, water heaters, stovetops, ovens, and some clothes dryers, to name a few. You can generally use the same gas line when replacing a gas-powered appliance, although there may be certain situations where you’ll need to replace or make adjustments to the lines. If your previous line is worn or damaged, it should be replaced before hooking up any new equipment. You may also need a professional plumber to install new lines if you did not previously have gas running to the appliance you are replacing.
What to Do If You Have a Gas Leak
A natural gas leak isn’t always easy to detect but can be harmful and even fatal if left undetected. If you spot warning signs of a gas leak in your home or neighborhood, you should immediately leave the area. Never try to use appliances or electronics if you suspect a gas leak. Even a tiny spark can cause an explosion. Once you’ve moved out of the immediate area of the leak, you should contact emergency services. Authorities will be able to dispatch the utility company and professional plumbers to find the leak and make any needed repairs to stop the leak. Do not ever attempt to fix a gas leak on your own.
Warning Signs of a Natural Gas Leak
Natural gas has a strong sulfuric odor, similar to the smell of rotten eggs. When a natural gas leak occurs, this is usually the first warning sign. You may also hear a hissing sound from your gas line or gas-powered appliance that indicates that the line has been damaged or is not securely and properly connected.
You may also experience health symptoms from a gas leak. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, or fatigue. Pets and small children may exhibit these signs faster than adults due to their body size.
Finally, even if you do not notice any of the warning signs above, you may spot a leak due to an increase in natural gas consumption. If you see a spike in natural gas costs on your utility bill, you should contact your plumber to have them look at your gas lines and check for a suspected leak.
Natural gas is a common source of energy in many homes. When properly connected, it is safe and efficient for running your appliances and HVAC system. However, you need a professional plumber to ensure your gas lines are properly installed and meet code and compliance regulations. At Summit Heating, A/C, Plumbing & Electrical, our plumbers are specially trained and licensed to handle gas lines, make repairs, replacements, and installations for your home. We also handle your household plumbing needs, including pipe repair and replacement, leak detection, and drain cleaning. In addition to plumbing, we have expert HVAC technicians who can handle all of your heating and cooling needs to keep you comfortable in Denver and the surrounding areas.
If you need assistance with your gas lines, call Summit Heating, A/C, Plumbing & Electrical today to schedule an appointment.